After contemplating the prophesy of Peter Deunov, which I posted on Facebook the other day, a lot of things started to come together regarding the time we are in. The icing on the cake was a experience I had in meditation this morning.
I became aware of a very fine and high vibrational energy that was clearly being brought to my attention for a reason. When I merged with it and contemplated it’s nature I saw it coming from the galactic core. It appeared like a scintillating starry emanation, blue white in color. I saw that it is now in phase lock with the solar system and the earth as a result of being directly on the galactic equator. Between the northern and southern galactic hemispheres is a band where the magnetic field is almost neutral, neither of a positive or negative magnetic dipole. In a way, the dualistic nature of creation, which is related to the dual poles of electro-magnetism on all planes not physical, ceases on the galactic equator. The result is an opening where the higher dimensional frequencies from the Galactic Logos or Being-ness that ensouls the galaxy are received with no veiling or distortion; a phased locked beam. It comes as a wave that builds as we enter the galactic equatorial plane, hits maximum at the crossing of the galactic equator, then recedes as we enter the other galactic hemisphere.
We’ve been in the orb of the galactic equator for a number of decades and we are crossing it right now. The end of the Mayan Calendar marked the entry into conjunction with it.
As I asked what the nature of the incoming energies were from the galactic core, I saw images of a new earth. The first was an aquiline blond haired young woman with very large blue~violet eyes and very high cheek bones. She was definitely of a higher order species. Images of communities in utterly beautiful tranquil settings, the buildings all constructed with sacred geometric principles came into focus. No where were there any signs of early 21st century human distortion. The galactic beam or wave was carrying energy codings to initiate the new cycle that will unfold as and after the remnants of the old cycle are dissolved away.
It became clear that the transformational fire of Peter Deunov’s visions, the super-mental descent that Sri Aurobindo foretold, the coming of the Kalki Avatar, the Second Coming of Christ are really all integrally a part of this emanation from the galactic core.
The energy is steaming in and will intensify over the next years before waning as we move out of the orb of the galactic equator. The incoming multidimensional energetics are of a much higher and more coherent nature than the present vibratory state of planet earth and its life forms. Like the coherent light of a laser hitting a piece of steel, causing it to melt, so to will the galactic energies cause the existing order to dissolve on Earth. All the incoherent distorted patterns in the subtle and physical bodies of the planet and all species will be boiled to the surface so the substrate of everything is purified and raised to a higher dimensional~vibrational level. As this is occurring we are also experiencing the new evolutionary coding frequencies. The old is dying and the new is in it’s very nascent stages of coming forth.
The bottom line of this is that we have known is much is going to fall away... dissolve. If it looks like, feels like, smells like third dimensional stuff, it is going to dissolve. The existing world of human culture is going to be virtually non-existent when this is over. Our very forms will be different not to mention our consciousness, which will be radically awakened.
It’s caterpillar to butterfly time. We are entering a planetary transformational chrysalis. In the chrysalis we need much time to transform and to die to the old ways of being while we gestate the new. This will be the keynote of the next years on an accelerating basis.
I became aware of a very fine and high vibrational energy that was clearly being brought to my attention for a reason. When I merged with it and contemplated it’s nature I saw it coming from the galactic core. It appeared like a scintillating starry emanation, blue white in color. I saw that it is now in phase lock with the solar system and the earth as a result of being directly on the galactic equator. Between the northern and southern galactic hemispheres is a band where the magnetic field is almost neutral, neither of a positive or negative magnetic dipole. In a way, the dualistic nature of creation, which is related to the dual poles of electro-magnetism on all planes not physical, ceases on the galactic equator. The result is an opening where the higher dimensional frequencies from the Galactic Logos or Being-ness that ensouls the galaxy are received with no veiling or distortion; a phased locked beam. It comes as a wave that builds as we enter the galactic equatorial plane, hits maximum at the crossing of the galactic equator, then recedes as we enter the other galactic hemisphere.
We’ve been in the orb of the galactic equator for a number of decades and we are crossing it right now. The end of the Mayan Calendar marked the entry into conjunction with it.
As I asked what the nature of the incoming energies were from the galactic core, I saw images of a new earth. The first was an aquiline blond haired young woman with very large blue~violet eyes and very high cheek bones. She was definitely of a higher order species. Images of communities in utterly beautiful tranquil settings, the buildings all constructed with sacred geometric principles came into focus. No where were there any signs of early 21st century human distortion. The galactic beam or wave was carrying energy codings to initiate the new cycle that will unfold as and after the remnants of the old cycle are dissolved away.
It became clear that the transformational fire of Peter Deunov’s visions, the super-mental descent that Sri Aurobindo foretold, the coming of the Kalki Avatar, the Second Coming of Christ are really all integrally a part of this emanation from the galactic core.
The energy is steaming in and will intensify over the next years before waning as we move out of the orb of the galactic equator. The incoming multidimensional energetics are of a much higher and more coherent nature than the present vibratory state of planet earth and its life forms. Like the coherent light of a laser hitting a piece of steel, causing it to melt, so to will the galactic energies cause the existing order to dissolve on Earth. All the incoherent distorted patterns in the subtle and physical bodies of the planet and all species will be boiled to the surface so the substrate of everything is purified and raised to a higher dimensional~vibrational level. As this is occurring we are also experiencing the new evolutionary coding frequencies. The old is dying and the new is in it’s very nascent stages of coming forth.
The bottom line of this is that we have known is much is going to fall away... dissolve. If it looks like, feels like, smells like third dimensional stuff, it is going to dissolve. The existing world of human culture is going to be virtually non-existent when this is over. Our very forms will be different not to mention our consciousness, which will be radically awakened.
It’s caterpillar to butterfly time. We are entering a planetary transformational chrysalis. In the chrysalis we need much time to transform and to die to the old ways of being while we gestate the new. This will be the keynote of the next years on an accelerating basis.