Christ Communion Sessions
Christ in you, the hope of glory Colossians 1:27 it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me Galatians 2:20 Know ye not that Jesus Christ is in YOU? 2 Corinthians 13:5 |
What are the Gifts of Christ Communion?
Many people worship Christ and/or accept him as their savior, but do not have a conscious experience of communion with Christ. This may leave some sense of emptiness and doubt because there isn't a true knowing that Christ is really there. Others may have turned away from the Christ early in life due to the centuries of horrors perpetrated in his name, or due to personal religious traumas, thus missing the great spiritual blessings available through this being. When religions focus on worshipping the Great Ones who have visited our planet throughout history, they omit the fact that it is possible to directly experience their Presence through inner feeling, vision or hearing. Conscious communion with the Christ is a life-changing event that typically results in a tremendous sense of joy, happiness and peace, because now you know beyond question that Christ is really there. Your relationship with Christ is no longer based in a belief or an act of faith -- it is a fact. Deep, existential fear, insecurity, and doubt dissolve in the assurance that you are being watched over, shepherded by a being who is one with the Godhead and has all power over Heaven and Earth. He is now in your life, with the total commitment and promise to take you beyond human suffering and limitation into the experience of the Kingdom of God, which unfolds as you deepen in Christ communion and realize your own true nature through his grace. Through conscious Christ communion we are gifted with guidance and direction from an infallible source. Even when we aren't consciously asking for specific guidance, we are still being guided through Christ's grace. This relieves the human mind of its burden of forever trying to figure out how to get us through life. The greatest gift of Christ communion may be the alchemical transmutation process that results in the realization of our true, eternal Self and the resurrection of all that is unlike it into a Christed expression. This is the message of the breaking of the bread and drinking of the wine at the Last Supper. The Eucharist and Holy Communion are based in the mystical reality that Christ gave his fully complete realization of God and his true Self to us through grace. By opening to receive and "imbibe" of his living presence through conscious communion with the Christ, our subtle bodies and chakras are infused with the living Christ Presence. All that is within our mental, emotional, spiritual and etheric/physical bodies is transformed through the infusion and encoding of the Christ Presence within ourselves. This living, alchemical template transforms our entire being into an individual, unique and perfect Christed expression. How do Christ Communion Sessions Work? As in all of our session and group work, the first step is to drop below outer, sensory experience and the thinking mind into the inner realms of the soul. This is facilitated through the same inner process utilized in Soul Communion sessions and through the facilitator's direct induction of the energy~consciousness of the soul realms. Once you drop into a quiet, inner soul space, we consecrate the session to establishing Christ communion. Setting this sacred focus aligns your deepest intention and passion. The next step is to surrender the entire session journey to the Divine, giving the Christ total control over what unfolds. From this point on, the session is guided by the Christ and everything that unfolds is orchestrated from the Christ's will and grace. The Christ knows exactly how to facilitate the most effective inner journey to establish the deepest level of Christ communion possible. As facilitators, we are guided by the Christ to assist your unfolding process, and we serve as conduits or intermediaries between the Christ and you. We induct or "call down" the living Christ Presence to enfold you in its energy~consciousness field, so you can more readily experience it. Inner impediments and ego-resistance often arise during sessions. As facilitators, we assist you to face, embrace and move through this resistance, and to turn everything over to God/Christ/Self. We often receive inner messages and promptings on how to assist you into greater Christ-communion. During the session journey, your communion with your true Self is also being activated through grace. The awakening of the spark of the divine, the I AM that I AM in the soul's core, is deeply interconnected with the process of Christ communion. The Christ Self that unfolds through Christ communion is also your core divine Self, progressively realized over time. Since there is no way to know for sure when a person is ready for Christ communion, we cannot guarantee that you will experience conscious communion with Christ in one or even a series of sessions, although many people do. We can assure you that you will experience the level of communion possible and that the seeds planted during each session will bloom over time, especially if you continue to work with the practices and processes you learn in your sessions. You will be sent an audio recording of each session, which will impart the grace you received with each subsequent listening. No one can fail who stays committed to receiving the grace of Christ communion; for every effort you make, Christ will make ten. In addition to sessions, other assists that can facilitate Christ communion are discussed below. Other Ways to Enhance Christ Communion The Christ Communion Process MP3 is a guided inner journey given by the Christ designed to bring you into conscious Christ communion. It is a powerful adjunct to session work, and can also be used by itself. The process opens up inner channels and passages in the subtle bodies and the subconscious and superconscious minds. This recording contains a direct induction of the Christ Presence and consciousness. The Face of the Christ image painted from the Shroud of Turin is an empowered icon which powerfully inducts the Christ when meditated on. We Are the Awakening Christ, the third book in the Birthing the Luminous Self Trilogy, was written as a guidebook for walking the Way of the Christ at this time of the Second Coming. It offers an induction of the Living Christ Presence and contains many experiences of the Christ as well as messages received from the Christ. We recommend this book as an essential component of the Way of the Christ work. The Christ Communion Process MP3, Face of the Christ image and We Are the Awakening Christ book are available in our store. The effects and benefits of sessions are enhanced through listening to your Zoom session recordings. More than just information, each session recording contains the holographic energy~consciousness induction of the particular transformational process you experienced. It also provides the opportunity to bathe again in the grace-filled transmissions from your Oversoul/Source levels and Christ that came through during the session. Many people find it very powerful to re-experience the session flow afterward from a more objective witness position. The key insights, breakthroughs, and openings are deepened in consciousness, providing greater comprehension on conscious and subconscious levels. This supports the integration process and helps you to put the insights and information to work in your life. |