Soul Communion Sessions
Jesus says: "If those who seek to attract you say to you: 'See, the Kingdom is in Heaven!' then the birds will be there before you. If they say to you: 'It is in the sea!' then the fish will be there before you. But the Kingdom is within you and it is outside of you!"
"When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will know that it is you who are the sons (and daughters) of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you will in a state of poverty, and it is you (who will be) the poverty!" Jesus Christ Gospel of Thomas Verses 2, 3 |
Why is Soul Communion important? The fundamental core of the spiritual journey is to awaken to our deeper nature as an eternal soul. Over time, as we realize this ever more fully, our true, divine soul nature unfolds as a holographic, fractal aspect (an identical subset) of God/One/All That Is. The Christ is the ultimate fulfillment of this process, the fruit of the journey. Jesus Christ was a fully realized soul whose awakened way of being and many miracles demonstrated his total communion with God (The Father). As he said, "I and my Father are One." Consciously communing with the soul is an essential first step in the Way of the Christ because the soul is who we are, not the false ego-personality self we mistakenly thought we were in our state of spiritual amnesia. Identifying with this illusory separate, limited self is the source of most, if not all, of our suffering. Asleep to the divine qualities, capacities, and state of consciousness of our divine Self, we cannot help but experience a life of fear, doubt, unhappiness, conflict and suffering. Identified with this false self, we rarely, if ever, experience the state of being and way of life we deeply know is possible. But as we reconnect with our divine essence, we begin to bask in the harmony, peace, joy, fulfillment, abundance and love of our true nature. And since the issues and challenges in our outer world are holographic projections of our inner state, as we remember who we really are, our lives reorient around this newfound awareness. Ease and grace replace striving and suffering. The truth of our soul informs our decisions instead of the mind's endless attempts to figure things out. We find ourselves stepping into fulfilling our destiny and manifesting our soul's purposes for coming to Earth at this time. What happens in Soul Communion sessions? The ego-personality lives in its own fabricated world of illusion, and has no idea how to awaken to its true nature. Yet all the while, we are each a part of a larger beingness that is often called the Higher Self or oversoul. And that, in turn, rests in God -- the One Great Being in which all of creation is held. The levels of consciousness of the oversoul and Source contain vast intelligence, love, and power, and are aware of every aspect of your human predicament. They know exactly how to break through the perceptual veils and ego-barriers of separation and limitation. So, the first step in a soul communion session is to totally surrender control to the highest, most inclusive levels of being and let those levels of consciousness orchestrate the process. That allows the oversoul and Source levels to take over and orchestrate your inner journey toward conscious communion with your divine Self. As facilitators, we are there to help you start right where you are, and to be fully present with whatever arises along the way. We also share the gifts of grace with which we have been blessed, as appropriate to your inner journey. The first is the ability to directly resonate and activate the God presence or I AM in the core of the soul. Think of what happens when one tuning fork is struck and others of the same pitch also begin to vibrate. As we enter into deep inner communion with our divine presence and ask it to enfold you in its energy~consciousness field, your own divine core begins to sympathetically resonate. There is nothing like being in the presence of those who have devoted decades to anchoring their awareness in the soul to expedite your own soul-awakening process. During more than 25 years of facilitating soul-awakening sessions and groups, we have received and evolved many consciousness tools and technologies that open the inner doorways to the soul. We also know how to help you find your way through and beyond ego-resistance. As you work with and integrate these simple, powerful methodologies during each of your sessions, you develop the ability to utilize them on your own. To explore the soul communion process we use in sessions, receive a direct transmission of the frequencies of the soul realms, and discover others' experiences of the soul realms, we suggest you read our first book, Soul Awakening, The Journey from Ego to Essence. Soul Communion sessions assist and support you to:
The effects and benefits of your sessions are enhanced through listening to your Zoom session recordings. More than just information, each recording contains the holographic energy~consciousness induction of the transformational process you experienced. It also lets you bathe again in the infusions of grace from your Oversoul/Source levels and the Christ that came through during the session. It can be powerful to re-experience the flow of your sessions from a more objective, witness standpoint some time afterward. The key insights, breakthroughs, and openings are deepened in your consciousness, providing greater comprehension and integration on conscious and subconscious levels. This greatly helps in putting the insights and information to work in your life. |
In truth, the only thing that is truly tragic is not to become conscious of one’s soul, the psychic being, and not to be entirely guided by it in one’s life. To die before having found one’s soul and lived according to its law, that is the true failure. The Mother (Sri Aurobindo's spiritual partner) |