Resurrection Work Sessions
As in all of our sessions, resurrection sessions involve a progressive deepening below the realms of sensory experience and the mind. Where they differ is that their goal is to dive even deeper into the subconscious to get to the roots or seed cause of a deep, difficult issue. These sessions are particularly powerful in resolving:
As in all our sessions, the power and intelligence that orchestrate the journey come from the Christ and your true, divine Self. In addition, we call upon a specific aspect of Christ's blessing-grace, the Resurrecting Power of the Christ. This aspect of Christ's grace is particularly powerful in revealing the causal imprints that anchor a pattern and dissolving the unconscious ego-repression and control that impede our capacity to access and bring them to the conscious mind. Whatever needs to be brought into awareness surfaces in order to trigger the necessary insights that allow us to holographically perceive, understand, and release the unconscious dynamics that have kept the issue alive and “dys”functioning in our lives. As the content surfaces to be faced, embraced, and fully experienced, the resurrecting power of the Christ is again invoked so that the energy~consciousness imprints in the subtle bodies and chakras are dissolved and transmuted into their Christed expression. Every issue is different, as are the people who carry them, so it is difficult to predict how many sessions or how much time it will take to resolve an issue. Often, a series of sessions is most helpful. In all cases the maximum resolution possible occurs. The Resurrecting Power of the Christ usually operates in a non-linear, mysterious way that confounds the mind and its expectations. Surrendering to the guidance of your soul and the Christ is always the wisest course. A number of passages typically occur as part of the resolution process:
The effects and benefits of sessions are enhanced through listening to the mp3 session recordings we provide free of charge. More than just information, a session recording contains the induction of the particular transformational energy~consciousness process you experienced. It also provides the opportunity to bathe again in the inductions and transmissions from your Oversoul/Source levels as well as the Christ that came through during the session.
Most people find it very powerful to re-experience the session flow afterward, from a more objective witness position. The key insights, breakthroughs, and openings are deepened in consciousness, providing greater comprehension on conscious and subconscious levels. This greatly helps in the integration process, and in putting the insights and information to work in your life. FOR A FREE 20-MINUTE CONSULTATION TO DISCUSS HOW THIS WORK MIGHT BENEFIT YOU, PLEASE CONTACT US |