An Invitation from the Christ
This website is about the Way of the Christ. It is a most ancient way, followed by adepts since the beginning of time. It is pure, simple and clear and it never fails because it adheres to the principles of God and creation.
I came to show humanity this way as did many others. The way that I demonstrated is the way for this time. It is the full and final way for the Sons and Daughters of Man to realize that they are truly the Sons and Daughters of God. This is the goal of this work and the goal and fruit of the Christ Path. It is the realization that each human being is a soul and that each soul is an aspect of God and contains everything in essence that God the One is. To realize and demonstrate that in the body is the goal of the path of human soul evolution. It is the purpose that you came here for.
It is now time for this to unfold in a greatly accelerated manner for much of humanity. It is the time of the Second Coming. I came here two thousand years ago to show the way. The way is essentially the same today as then with a few modifications. These disciples of mine, and know that there are many others than the original twelve, have been taken on a path of development over this and previous lives so that they would be ready to serve the Office of the Christ in assisting, along with others, in bringing forth the Second Coming. Their lives have been a living laboratory in which a newer version of the Christ path, the one for this time has been sculpted. They are not the only one. There are others who I have and currently work with. You will know them by their essence and vibration, and I will tell you surely that they are of me and working on my behalf.
This website is designed to be a portal to the new way of the Christ that incorporates all that I realized two thousand years ago and what is now available and possible, custom tailored to this time and the unfolding New Age.
Most importantly this is a portal to a direct communion with me, the planetary Christ, other Christed beings including the Ascended Masters and with the Christ in you, your true eternal Self fully realized. This is the essence and the core of the way of the Christ. To come into communion with me and find that I AM, the Christ is also in you as your true Self.
I have walked this path...It is done. You need not re create the wheel. I have come to offer you salvation which is nothing more than the remembrance of your true identity as the Sons and Daughters of God, always inherently holy, pure and perfect containing all the aspects, elements and characteristics that I demonstrated for you all to see. Accept nothing less as your destiny or the possibility for your life.
I came to show humanity this way as did many others. The way that I demonstrated is the way for this time. It is the full and final way for the Sons and Daughters of Man to realize that they are truly the Sons and Daughters of God. This is the goal of this work and the goal and fruit of the Christ Path. It is the realization that each human being is a soul and that each soul is an aspect of God and contains everything in essence that God the One is. To realize and demonstrate that in the body is the goal of the path of human soul evolution. It is the purpose that you came here for.
It is now time for this to unfold in a greatly accelerated manner for much of humanity. It is the time of the Second Coming. I came here two thousand years ago to show the way. The way is essentially the same today as then with a few modifications. These disciples of mine, and know that there are many others than the original twelve, have been taken on a path of development over this and previous lives so that they would be ready to serve the Office of the Christ in assisting, along with others, in bringing forth the Second Coming. Their lives have been a living laboratory in which a newer version of the Christ path, the one for this time has been sculpted. They are not the only one. There are others who I have and currently work with. You will know them by their essence and vibration, and I will tell you surely that they are of me and working on my behalf.
This website is designed to be a portal to the new way of the Christ that incorporates all that I realized two thousand years ago and what is now available and possible, custom tailored to this time and the unfolding New Age.
Most importantly this is a portal to a direct communion with me, the planetary Christ, other Christed beings including the Ascended Masters and with the Christ in you, your true eternal Self fully realized. This is the essence and the core of the way of the Christ. To come into communion with me and find that I AM, the Christ is also in you as your true Self.
I have walked this path...It is done. You need not re create the wheel. I have come to offer you salvation which is nothing more than the remembrance of your true identity as the Sons and Daughters of God, always inherently holy, pure and perfect containing all the aspects, elements and characteristics that I demonstrated for you all to see. Accept nothing less as your destiny or the possibility for your life.