I have encountered a meme about Christ’s late life on numerous occasions from a number of New Age people that I feel needs to be addressed, mainly because I do not believe it is true and secondly because it comes from a place of high darkness that seeks always to distort the true Christic impulse brought by Jesus to this planet.
One of the common themes is that Jesus did not die on the cross, but either came down on his own, or simply feigned death and then took off for France or India and lived the rest of his life.
I know this to be untrue through my conversations with Christ. I also know that other people have conversations with living and ascended people who testify that Christ didn’t die on the cross.
There is, however, other very grounded, indisputable evidence that he most certainly did die during the crucifixion.
I’ve done some research on the web regarding forensic reports done by physicians who specialize in determining the cause of death. The conclusive evidence is that Jesus died on the cross. Here’s a link you to check out and below is some of the key info from it. If you really want to get it to the bottom of your feet I suggest you read the entire article. Same with the link I share below this one.
The following is from Report on the Shroud of Turin pp 2-4. Dr. Joseph Heller, the author, a former Harvard professor of Internal Medicine and Pathology, simplified some of the medical terminology in this forensic report written by Dr. Robert Bucklin, the deputy coroner and forensic pathologist of Los Angeles County, a report concurred in by Dr. Joseph Gambescia, a pathologist in Pennsylvania:
On the right flank, a long, narrow blade of some type entered in an upward direction, pierced the diaphragm, penetrated into the thoracic cavity through the lung into the heart. This was a post-mortem event, because separate components of blood cells and clear serum drained from the lesion.
The evidence of a scourged man who was crucified and died from the cardiopulmonary failure typical of crucifixion is clear-cut.
The explanations for the blood and water flow are closely related at several points. All physicians who have examined the question agree that Jesus was already dead when the chest wound was inflicted. The blood and water most probably flowed from both the heart and the chest cavity.
Physicians who have examined the Shroud image are unanimous in their belief that the man was dead when he was placed in the Shroud, and that his death was caused by crucifixion and the tortures that preceded it. They also agree that he was dead when the spear pierced his side. They are not as sure about the exact [emphasis in original] cause of Jesus' death, but their opinions are quite similar.
Most experts hold that Jesus died primarily of asphyxiation, the usual cause of death in crucifixion. According to this view, Jesus died more quickly than most victims because scourging and beating had gravely weakened him. He was eventually unable to pull himself up on the cross in order to breathe [the "T" position described above], and he asphyxiated in the "down" position [the bent-knee "Y" position] on the cross. In this case, the muscles around his lungs kept him from exhaling and directly caused his death. Bucklin adds that complications due to congestive heart failure were likely as well.
Here is another link by a skeptic who believed that Jesus did not die on the cross. This person is obviously well versed in all the alternative theories. He, too, went to see a physician who had studied the evidence. The physician concurred. Jesus died on the cross. Here is the link…
Could Jesus have gone to India or France after his death and resurrection. Who knows? Maybe it’s not important. What we do know is that the Shroud of Turin gives irrefutable forensic evidence that Jesus died on the cross. The Shroud also carries the living proof of his resurrection.
If you want to know more I suggest you read our third book, “We are the Awakening Christ”. In it we detail the three decade journey of learning the truth behind the Shroud of Turin. What I have come to understand is that the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus was THE pivotal event in bringing the full awakening of humanity to it’s blossom. Christ created the Resurrection Body of a Luminous Substance that was the final fruit of God’s incarnation into human form after millions of years of evolution. It is the new body that is both subtle matter and light, capable of going anywhere in the multiverse. He did it. It is done. This is what he told us as written by his disciples. God chose him to be the first fully Christed being, the icon of possibility, the one who offers his realization to us all through Grace. This is why the truth about Jesus' death and resurrection is so important. It seems to me that the resurrection and ascension of humanity hinges on our coming to comprehend and accept it’s immeasurable Grace.