One of the things I’ve noticed in our work with people is that most of us have vague ideas of what the goal of the spiritual path is. That’s understandable because it’s not something our culture elucidates and the spiritual realms are by nature not physical and concrete. So, what is the goal of the spiritual path? What are we trying to achieve? A lot of terms are thrown around in spiritual circles such as enlightenment, God realization, Self-realization, awakening, etc. Most of these ring true intuitively, but what do they really mean? What is the goal which we seek? It is helpful to have a clear goal in any undertaking. If we have a clear vision of possibility we are much more likely to get where we want to go.
The lives of the great ones provide a clear, grounded demonstration of what is not only possible, but also our ultimate destiny. Beings like Buddha, Krishna and Christ Jesus were icons of possibility for each of us, who came to show us what is possible for us to realize as human souls.
To believe that we could become like these great spiritual beings is not airy fairy, new age mumbo-jumbo. Jesus himself said “Greater works than these shall you do.” The Buddha said, “All beings have Buddha nature.” These beings did not use words loosely and they certainly were not prone to hyperbole. In our sleeping state of amnesia this seems so far beyond where we are as to be inconceivable. How many of us can truly embrace the idea that we are an awakening Christ, a Buddha in the making? But this is a fact, not an overstatement.
Years ago when I realized that for me, Christ Jesus was the highest possibility for Self-realization, I embraced this as the goal of my spiritual journey. My daily prayer request, then and now, is that I achieve the same level of awakening that Jesus did. To me that is a very clear statement to the universe of what I want. It’s important because the law of attraction, being a very real spiritual law, magnetizes to us that which we want the most. Very simply stated, God, being all loving, all-powerful and infinitely creative, tends to give us exactly what we most want to experience. If we truly want to be become beings such as Buddha, Krishna or Christ in our heart of hearts, that is the Divine speaking from our sacred core telling us that is what life wants most for us. And, it is also possible, because the Divine is the source of All That Is and wants us to realize our true nature as the great ones did.
One of the most powerful consecrations and the first step on the spiritual path, then, is to have a clear vision of what we want to realize. The second is to ask God to bring this into our manifest experience, to help us realize it in and as our Self. If we truly want to be a Buddha or Christ and commit ourselves completely to that, putting it as the number one priority, then we are aligning with the most potent forces of the universe to bring us into this realization. If we give God full authority to lead us on a path that will bring us to this realization as quickly and easily as possible, we can be assured that everything that occurs on our inner and outer lives is the next step in that journey.
This can be our daily prayer and consecration. God is our only and ultimate reality, our true guru. When we fully commit ourselves to the highest and fully surrender the realization of our Buddha~Krishna~Christ nature to the Divine, we can be assured that we are on the easiest, most joyful and direct path possible. There is no chance of failure, getting lost or getting it wrong. The all-loving omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience of the One has it handled.
The lives of the great ones provide a clear, grounded demonstration of what is not only possible, but also our ultimate destiny. Beings like Buddha, Krishna and Christ Jesus were icons of possibility for each of us, who came to show us what is possible for us to realize as human souls.
To believe that we could become like these great spiritual beings is not airy fairy, new age mumbo-jumbo. Jesus himself said “Greater works than these shall you do.” The Buddha said, “All beings have Buddha nature.” These beings did not use words loosely and they certainly were not prone to hyperbole. In our sleeping state of amnesia this seems so far beyond where we are as to be inconceivable. How many of us can truly embrace the idea that we are an awakening Christ, a Buddha in the making? But this is a fact, not an overstatement.
Years ago when I realized that for me, Christ Jesus was the highest possibility for Self-realization, I embraced this as the goal of my spiritual journey. My daily prayer request, then and now, is that I achieve the same level of awakening that Jesus did. To me that is a very clear statement to the universe of what I want. It’s important because the law of attraction, being a very real spiritual law, magnetizes to us that which we want the most. Very simply stated, God, being all loving, all-powerful and infinitely creative, tends to give us exactly what we most want to experience. If we truly want to be become beings such as Buddha, Krishna or Christ in our heart of hearts, that is the Divine speaking from our sacred core telling us that is what life wants most for us. And, it is also possible, because the Divine is the source of All That Is and wants us to realize our true nature as the great ones did.
One of the most powerful consecrations and the first step on the spiritual path, then, is to have a clear vision of what we want to realize. The second is to ask God to bring this into our manifest experience, to help us realize it in and as our Self. If we truly want to be a Buddha or Christ and commit ourselves completely to that, putting it as the number one priority, then we are aligning with the most potent forces of the universe to bring us into this realization. If we give God full authority to lead us on a path that will bring us to this realization as quickly and easily as possible, we can be assured that everything that occurs on our inner and outer lives is the next step in that journey.
This can be our daily prayer and consecration. God is our only and ultimate reality, our true guru. When we fully commit ourselves to the highest and fully surrender the realization of our Buddha~Krishna~Christ nature to the Divine, we can be assured that we are on the easiest, most joyful and direct path possible. There is no chance of failure, getting lost or getting it wrong. The all-loving omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience of the One has it handled.