I was the mother of God. That is not an overstatement. You must understand who my son was. It is critically important that you do so at this time. Jesus was unlike any other human being to have ever walked the earth. He was the fullness of the Godhead incarnate. He did what no one else has ever done before nor has done since. The specialness of this movement of the divine must be comprehended for this new age to be born. There are many forces both on and off the planet that would seek to obscure, deny or otherwise obfuscate the truth of what he was. This was all predicted in the Bible and as such it has come to pass.
I have been coming to you again and again over the centuries to prepare the way for the Second Coming. And I am speaking to you now through this messenger to once again communicate the all-important truth of who my son was.
There is not time for the vast majority of you, my children, to find your way to God, to redeem yourselves from the fallen state of human existence, without divine help. This is not to judge you or where you are, for from the largest perspective it is all perfect. These lower realms, outside of the divine domains which my son called the Kingdom of Heaven, are where God is yet becoming. Life is gradually evolving to become an ever greater manifestation of the One. These domains are truly a work in process. God is exploring itself on these matter planets and so the perfection of the Godhead is simply not to be known or experienced here as an outer manifestation, except on very rare occasions and at very important moments.
This is what my son demonstrated: the perfection of the Godhead made manifest, done, complete, a supreme gift to all of you. He did it, so you do not have to. Through his life and especially his death and resurrection he created the perfect template through which humanity might awaken and redeem itself and ultimately be raised into the same state that he demonstrated.
I come today to ask you to please open your hearts and minds to him and to me, for we are working to assist you to be raised through grace into the state that you somehow know is possible. It is time for this to happen now. The birth can no longer wait. There is no choice any longer to sit on the fence, for that time is over. You are finding yourself now rapidly moving in one direction or another, either towards the light and awakening or towards darkness and greater forgetting.
The light is upon you and within you. The Second Coming is when the Christ, the Holy Son and Daughter, awakens in you as you. You may feel the pressure of this process within and without. The diamond that you are becoming requires the carbon that you have been to be placed under great pressure and fire.
We are here to help you; to show you the way, and most importantly to give you, through grace, a divine template that will enable you to unfold the Christ in you with the greatest ease possible. I am here to help you prepare your soul to be the fertile ground in which the Christ may fully descend and unfold within you. Come to me and ask me for that assistance and I will gladly give it. But you must ask, for the law of free will does not allow any divine being to intercede without being requested. If you ask from your heart and soul, I will be with you continuously until you have completed this journey of realizing and birthing your true nature.
I will point you always towards my son, the Christ. For he to is waiting to give you everything you need to become the manifestation of your true nature as a soul, an aspect of God. The symbolism of the wine and the bread during the Last Supper was meant to convey the message of his role as savior. “Take of my body and eat. Take of my blood and drink.” The Christ is offering you his being, the completeness of God in human form as a gift through grace.
This is everything you want and would strive for -- the very end and fruit of the soul's journey. All that is asked of you is to realize the truth and reality of what he is offering and then to open your heart and mind to receive it. Are you willing to receive? For if you open the door just a crack to his love and light and give him a chance to show you what he is here to give you, I am sure that you will experience the greatest joy, peace and awakening, far beyond anything you can imagine.
I ask you to please contemplate my words in your heart and feel the truth of them. And then know that I and my son are always here waiting for you, waiting for you to open to receive the gifts that we have come to give.
I thank you and love you.
Your Mother,